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DUI Convictions Reversed Due to Inaccurate Breathalyzers

Posted by Unknown | Mar 11, 2014 | 0 Comments

Recent inaccuracy issues have been brought up concerning the Datamaster breath test, which could overturn several DUI convictions across the country.

One chemist who worked in labs that conducted the Datamaster test found that many lab technicians manipulated the tests to convict drivers of being drunk. The chemist stated that the technicians used incorrect documentation and temperature changes to manipulate the results. Also, acetone, which naturally occurs in many people's breath, was found to have been read by the test as alcohol.

Many are arguing that these tests are not reliable, and anyone who has been convicted of a DUI based on the Datamaster test should appeal their conviction.

If you or someone you love has been charged with a DUI and taken a Datamaster breath test, please contact theSeattle DUI defense attorneys of the Cowan Kirk Gaston Law Firm at 866-822-1230.

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Cowan Kirk Kattenhorn

Cowan Kirk is known throughout Washington and the nation for representing all of its clients with commitment, creativity and compassion. We recognize how devastating a DUI charge can be, particularly when our clients learn how incredibly tough Washington's DUI laws have become, even for a first-time offender.

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