Vehicular Assault Defense Attorneys
The tragic consequences of impaired driving sometimes involve accidents with serious injuries. Vehicular Assault in Washington is a Class B Felony, punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $25,000 fine. Furthermore, Vehicular Assault is classified as a Level IV offense which means that a person with zero criminal history still faces considerable jail time if convicted of Vehicular Assault.
If an individual, while driving under the influence causes an accident, and someone suffers "substantial bodily injury" the State may charge that driver with Vehicular Assault. Vehicular Assault can also be committed if a driver is: (1) driving a car in a reckless manner, or (2) a person drives their car with a disregard for the safety of others.

All Vehicular Assault charges, regardless of the driving involved, are serious violent felonies which require expert representation. The attorneys at Cowan Kirk have handled countless cases of this nature. These cases are filed in Superior Court and proceed along a much different path than your typical DUI case. The discovery in these cases are usually immense. The attorneys at CKK have the knowledge and resources to leave no stone un-turned in these very difficult cases.
Unfortunately, sometimes Vehicular Assault cases will garner media attention. The attorneys at Cowan Kirk have handled most of the high-profile driving cases in Seattle for decades now. Their familiarity with the media and how to handle these matters can be critical to your success on a Vehicular Assault case.
Hire the Experienced Vehicular Assault Defense Attorneys
The only way to avoid a DUI is to not drink and drive. But we understand that bad things can happen to good people. And we also know that sometimes these mistakes lead to serious consequences. If facing a Vehicular Assault charge, you need experienced, compassionate and zealous representation. The attorneys at Cowan Kirk have the requisite knowledge and skill to handle these cases.