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DUI in Seattle

Posted by Unknown | Mar 06, 2014 | 0 Comments

Seattle runs its DUI arrest process very differently from most other jurisdictions. Some of the more prominent differences are the fact that the city has its own DUI division instead of having regular police perform arrests and field sobriety tests. These specially trained officers also use extra tests and issue citations and arraignment dates at the time of arrest.

In addition, the arraignment process generally occurs within two days of arrest, whereas other jurisdictions can take weeks to even inform the suspect of their arraignment date. The prosecution in the case also has very strict guidelines on how to handle DUI cases.

If you or someone you know is facing DUI charges, it is important to call an attorney as soon as possible. Contact the Seattle DUI attorneys of Cowan, Kirk & Gaston at 866-822-1230.

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Cowan Kirk Kattenhorn

Cowan Kirk is known throughout Washington and the nation for representing all of its clients with commitment, creativity and compassion. We recognize how devastating a DUI charge can be, particularly when our clients learn how incredibly tough Washington's DUI laws have become, even for a first-time offender.

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If you need a DUI defense attorney in Seattle, Bellevue, or King County, contact us today to find out why respect for our clients, a passion for justice, and our commitment to winning have earned each of us the highest honor a member of the bar can receive from our colleagues – their referrals.