Mercer Island Municipal Court is located at the City Hall at 9611 SE 36th St, Mercer Island, WA 98040. The City of Mercer Island has its own Prosecuting Attorney's Office. The attorneys at Cowan Kirk outinely handle matters in this court. Considering the close proximity of this court to our main office, our lawyers make weekly appearances in this jurisdiction. The Mercer Island DUI defense lawyers at Cowan Kirk are compassionately and aggressively committed to protecting the legal rights of those who have been arrested for DUI or related offenses. The Mercer Island Police Department aggressively enforces DUI and BUI laws and the City Attorney's Office will aggressively prosecute these matters. The Mercer Island DUI Attorneys at Cowan Kirk\ can defend your case with the compassion and integrity necessary to resolve your DUI case.
Mercer Island Municipal Court has one courtroom. Parking is limited as the building houses City Hall as well. The Presiding Judge at Mercer Island Municipal Court is the Honorable Wayne Stewart.
Following a DUI arrest in Mercer Island, you will receive a summons anywhere from one to five weeks following the date of your arrest. If you have been previously arrested for a DUI, state law requires that you be booked on any subsequent DUI arrest.
Court for a Mercer Island DUI is always on Tuesday mornings. The first court appearance (arraignment) is held at 9am. The following court appearance (pre-trial conference) is on Tuesday mornings at 10am. The prosecutor typically does not appear at the arraignment but is always at all subsequent court appearances.
The City of Mercer Island is represented by a private law firm of extremely competent attorneys. The Judge for the City of Mercer Island is the Honorable Wayne Stewart (who also previously served as Prosecutor for several years).
Most police officers for the City have in-car video cameras that record their DUI investigations and arrests. A request for the in-car video can be made directly via a request with the City Attorney's Office. If you have been arrested for a DUI on Mercer Island, contact the attorneys at Cowan Kirk immediately.
Defending Your Case from Start to Finish at Mercer Island Municipal Court
There are plenty of law firms that will tackle DUI cases. But when your freedom and reputation are at stake, you cannot settle for an attorney who views your legal affairs as an afterthought to other areas of legal practice. That is a worry that you will never have with Cowan Kirk. The depth of our commitment to DUI defense and the singular focus of our firm mean that you can count on us to put our best foot forward when you need it most. The innumerable cases we have handled in the past have armed us with an uncommon variety of litigation strategies and directly applicable legal experience. We can help you with:
- Misdemeanor Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
- Felony DUI
- Commercial DUI
- Boating Under the Influence (BUI)
- Coast Guard Hearings
- Field Sobriety Tests on Water
When it Comes to DUI Law, We Write the Book
Managing Partner, William Kirk is co-author of the treatise in Washington for DUI Defense. Originally published in 1998 by Senior Partner Douglas Cowan, Steve Hayne and Jon Fox, this publication has served as the defense attorney's textbook for over two decades. Mr. Kirk and Mr. Fox now co-author this book annually.
Contact Us
There is no reason to take needless chances with your freedom. For a legal ally whom you can trust and whom prosecutors respect, contact the Mercer Island DUI defense lawyers of Cowan Kirk at 1-866-822-1230.