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Violating Probation

If you are caught driving under the influence of alcohol, then you will be arrested and charged with DUI. The penalties for this offense may vary, depending on your specific situation. For example, if you have previous DUI convictions, then you will face harsher punishment. However, no matter how many past convictions you have may have received, you will almost certainly face a period of probation for your actions.

During the probation period, you will be required to adhere to a certain number of court-mandated requirements. Typically, this includes remaining within your jurisdiction, holding a steady job, submitting to random drug and alcohol testing, and performing community service. Individuals under probation are also expected to avoid breaking any state or federal laws.

Those who fail to follow their probationary requirements will face further punishment for their actions. Typically, when they are caught, they will be taken into court for the determination of their penalties. A warrant is not necessary for the arrest of someone caught in violation of probation.

If you are caught violating your probation, then you will likely face a period of imprisonment as punishment. Punishments for violating probation, however, will vary depending on your specific situation and the discretion of your judge. You may be required to serve some or even the entire maximum jail sentence for the original crime you committed.

Contact Us

If you have been caught violating your probation, then you may be facing very serious consequences. The Seattle DUI lawyers of Cowan Kirk can provide you with sound legal advice regarding your situation. To learn more, contact our offices today by dialing 1-866-822-1230.

Cowan Kirk Kattenhorn

Cowan Kirk is known throughout Washington and the nation for representing all of its clients with commitment, creativity and compassion. We recognize how devastating a DUI charge can be, particularly when our clients learn how incredibly tough Washington's DUI laws have become, even for a first-time offender.

Contact Us

If you need a DUI defense attorney in Seattle, Bellevue, or King County, contact us today to find out why respect for our clients, a passion for justice, and our commitment to winning have earned each of us the highest honor a member of the bar can receive from our colleagues – their referrals.